I am a new mom and PKU adult, I rely on my medical food to provide myself and my son the necessary nutrition for everyday life. All throughout my pregnancy I was able to receive medical food coverage from my
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Harper, 18 months
My daughter is a vibrant 1.5 year old. She currently requires about 9 cans of formula a month, which will only increase as she gets older. I have no idea how we’ll be able to afford her formula if we
Read moreStephanie, 12
Our oldest daughter Stephanie was born with PKU. The costs for her food and supplies is very costly! We as parents do what we can do for our children. My husband works long hours and has very few days off
Read moreMaximus, 9
Earlier this year we experienced what not being able to afford formula & medications or have no insurance coverage is like for so many. Our son Maximus 9 y/o noticed a taste difference in his formula & refused to drink
Read moreNew York Teen, 17
My greatest worries are what happens if my husband’s job comes to an end and we can’t afford the medical formula/foods or can’t afford insurance. More importantly, what happens when my son has to start taking care of these expenses himself.
Read moreAnthony, 1
Earlier this year we took custody of our grandson Anthony. He was diagnosed after birth with PKU. He has lived with us since birth, learning to care for someone with PKU has been challenging. My husband works out of town,
Read moreCooper, 10 months
We are lucky that my husband works for Google and has some of best health Insurance you can get but most are not so lucky. We had to request a GAP exception to get the foods covered which requires clinics
Read moreThe Smiths
Our family is unique, in that I have PKU as well as our four adopted sons. With no guarantee of insurance coverage, I fear that my children will one day be forced into a situation similar to that they were
Read moreDraegen, Age 18
When my son, Draegen, was younger, he was on Medicaid. It covered his formula, but only a very specific kind. He ended up burnt out on it and it became more and more difficult to get him to drink it.
Read moreGavin, Age 2.5
Our sweet Gavin’s future depends on this crucial coverage. Without insurance coverage for his food & formula, we would be unable to afford our house payment. This coverage is essential to ensuring that he has as bright a future as
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