T, Age 5

By the time my son was properly diagnosed, he was extremely sick and we were relieved to find an elemental formula that could provide calories and nutrition he so desperately needed. However, we were stunned by the cost on top of already steep medical bills. The stress of feeding him was enormous.

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Following a lengthy 30day in the ICU, with a diagnosis of Food Protein Induced Encrolitis, Gianna was prescribed the formlua Elecare. This came at a substantial cost for her family.

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Brooks, Age 9 monhts

My son was hospitalized at 7 weeks old due to a reaction. At the time it was determined the common cold sent him into near shock. He was also diagnosed with a cows milk protein and soy protein allergy, then

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Ronan, Age 2

My 2 year old son Ronan has FPIES. He was born healthy but quickly lost to much weight within 2 days after being born and was failure to thrive for the first month of his life. Once I realized at

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Isaac (13) and Caleb (11)

Over the course of five years, our out-of-pocket expenses for medical nutrition for two children was approximately $85,000. Add to it the higher cost of specialty food that they had to eat because it was medically necessary due to ingredient

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Katherine, Age 8

Katherine was only 2 months old when we knew something wasn’t right. It took us 8 more months to figure out what was going on. No baby formulas would work for her. Not regular formula, not soy formula, not even

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Lucas, age 18 months

While we are fortunate that wic and insurance cover Lucas’s formula because of his medical necessity as well as my persistence with insurance and Drs filing out the right things, etc, many families have a lot of trouble finding help

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Sutton, Age 4

My FPIES son could only tolerate 1 food (Quinoa) for 3 years without projectile vomiting or having hospitalization level diarrhea. We are burned out trying to get elemental formula covered. We need uniformity on how to ensure children get the

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Eleanor, Age 7

Nora was born tox positive to several drugs and social services moved her to my home to be with her bio sibling for adoption. She has had severe GERD and food allergies from birth. She continues to have Failure to

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My son’s food allergies were so severe, he was reacting to the food I was eating through breastfeeding. He had blood in his stool for several months and stopped gaining weight until he was diagnosed and prescribed an elemental medical

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Our Family Story: During the spring and summer 2019, we struggled to understand what our 10-month-old son’s, Nolan, medical conditions were. For several months had been dealing with severe medical issues. He had been to his primary care physician (PCP),

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Caroline, age 18 months

Caroline was born 7 weeks premature. She stopped breathing several times almost dying. Neocate Jr is the only think she eats to survive. Cigna refuses to cover it. And its $800 out of pocket. Employer switched to Cigna who refuses

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Elsie, Nearly 2

Prior to switching to my husbands employer benefits we paid $125 per month out of pocket for our daughters formula. When my husband brought home his welcome packet with insurance information in it we immediately flipped to the section about

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Avery, Age 3

Coverage would ease a huge financial burden for our family. Not only is the formula expensive, but so is the specialized diet Avery requires due to so many severe conditions. Due to the fact that Avery supplements diet with Elecare

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Seton, Age 3

Our son was diagnosed with FPIES at around 7 months of age. He is intolerant or allergic to upwards of 40 foods. Even at the current age of 3, he can only eat about 10 foods including the formula (medical

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Lincoln, Age 2

Lincoln was diagnosed with a severe milk protein allergy at 2 weeks of age after blood was visibly seen in his stool. His pediatrician changed his formula from Similac to Alimentum RTF (I had a double mastectomy) and this continued

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Jamus, Age 9

My son, Jamus, has FPIES plus and our medical team thinks he has something that doesn’t even have a name put to it yet. He will turn 9 on Thursday and he has NO SAFE FOOD. He is 100% tube

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Max, Age 17 months

My son, Max was diagnosed with FPIES after I stopped breastfeeding and he started on milk-based formula and we started introducing solid foods. He had terrible gastrointestinal reactions which almost ended up in the ER on a couple different accounts.

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Sarah’s family’s inability to pay for medical nutrition is causing deficits which may impair her growth and cognitive development.

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The Medical Nutrition Equity Act will provide key support for those Americans who rely on medical foods to survive and thrive.