Hello, I am the mother of a ten-month-old phenylketonuria patient. Having more help to get instant needs would be amazing. With having it three kids and only the youngest has PKU it has been hard to try and get just
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Patti Sue, Age 1

Having medical food coverage would mean that I would not have to worry about double insurance for our daughter, and fighting insurance companies and the billing department at our local children’s hospital about making sure they run the claims through
Read moreAidan, 9 months

Trying to keep your child healthy and also full without medical food is nearly impossible. The number of times you have to say “no” to a PKU child and the constant worry about running out of foods they can eat, or whether you will be able to afford it
Read moreClayton, Age 4

Having the medical nutrition covered by our insurance would grealty imporve the options and the cost of the food that Clayton would be able to eat since he is only allowed to have 5g protein a day. With him only
Read moreWill, Age 14
I am 14. I need my formula to live and grow. I am an athlete and a good student. My formula and low protein foods are critical for my brain and body.
Read moreHattie (20 months) and Maxine (6 months)

We have two beautiful daughters, Hattie (20 months old) and Maxine (6 months old) who were diagnosed with PKU at birth. Because of their PKU both girls require medical formulas in order to grow and develop on par with their
Read moreEllis, Age 12
We have spend hundreds of hours on the phone, writing letters and working with her doctors for our insurance to provide the medical nutrition needed for Ellis to stay at her healthiest.
Read moreJulian, Age 13
My employer, though great for everything else, is self-Insured. Due to this fact they are not required to cover my 13 year old’s formula.
Read moreWalker, Age 5

We have many bills due to traveling out of state to help our 5 year see doctors that specifically help his condition. By not paying $250 a month for the formula he drinks to get nutrients he needs to grow
Read moreJohnny, Age 4

Medical Nutrition coverage will ensure my son gets the formula he needs to grow and develop normally. I have been fighting for accurate formula coverage his entire life. The insurance issues have not been resolved and he is almost 5.
Read moreDeckard, Age 1

My son has classic PKU and his food options are very limited. We rely heavily on medical foods to fulfill his dietary needs. It is a struggle to have the insurance company provide coverage for the medical formula and foods.
Read moreGrace, Age 11

We have three beautiful children, two of which have PKU. We spend over $120 a month on medical formula, foods, and medication for PKU. If medical nutrition were to be covered, we could breathe easier knowing our children would receive
Read moreSeton, Age 3

Our son was diagnosed with FPIES at around 7 months of age. He is intolerant or allergic to upwards of 40 foods. Even at the current age of 3, he can only eat about 10 foods including the formula (medical
Read morePat and Issac

Hi, I’m Pat and this is my son, Isaac, and husband/caregiver, David. Isaac is high functioning Autistic. I’m Type 2 diabetic. My husband recently has been hospitalized for pulmonary edema. My family is in and out of hospitals a lot
Read moreZoe, Age 4

We adopted our beautiful daughter Zoe three months ago from China. We did extensive research on PKU and prepared ourselves the best we could to meet her needs. We live in TN and I was happy to see that formula
Read moreLincoln, Age 2

Lincoln was diagnosed with a severe milk protein allergy at 2 weeks of age after blood was visibly seen in his stool. His pediatrician changed his formula from Similac to Alimentum RTF (I had a double mastectomy) and this continued
Read moreJamus, Age 9

My son, Jamus, has FPIES plus and our medical team thinks he has something that doesn’t even have a name put to it yet. He will turn 9 on Thursday and he has NO SAFE FOOD. He is 100% tube
Read moreDylan, Age 5
Told we were “too rich” to qualify for medical foods coverage but if we liquidated all our assets we could qualify for limited help.
Read moreMax, Age 17 months

My son, Max was diagnosed with FPIES after I stopped breastfeeding and he started on milk-based formula and we started introducing solid foods. He had terrible gastrointestinal reactions which almost ended up in the ER on a couple different accounts.
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