I never thought that food allergies were “that serious” until all 3 of my children were diagnosed with IGe mediated allergies, EoE, and FPIES. To say that feeding them has been a challenge is more than an understatement. The true
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Alexander, Age 3

Imagine going to the store for peanut butter and the shelf tag says it’s $9.49 for 8 oz that will only last less than a week. 8 oz. is about 8 servings. Bread costs $13.99 a loaf. Kids love peanut
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We have many bills due to traveling out of state to help our 5 year see doctors that specifically help his condition. By not paying $250 a month for the formula he drinks to get nutrients he needs to grow
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Our Emily was diagnosed at 9 days old with Phenylketonuria (PKU). During the last seven years of her life we have had insurance completely deny her medically necessary formula after the age of 12 months. We have appealed, fought, had
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Canaan is a thriving, active 2-year-old boy with a rare metabolic condition called VLCAD. He lives with his parents in Georgia. He was picked up on the Expanded Newborn Screening at 6 days old and has done extremely well due
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Christopher is a thriving, active 9 year old boy with a rare metabolic condition called LCHADD. He lives with his parents in Atlanta. He was the first baby with LCHADD to be picked up on the Expanded Newborn Screening in
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My insurance pays for amino acid modified formula but will not provide any coverage for low protein foods. Low protein food is very expensive. Sometimes my daughter has to go without foods she needs because we simply can’t afford it.
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