Piano and Guitar

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Elliott, Age 6

Elliott was diagnosed with Homocystinuria, or HCU, at 2 years old after suffering a series of blood clots throughout the brain. Once diagnosed, we immediately began treatment, which consists of a very low protein diet, medical formulas, Vitamins B6, B12

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I began my last semester of college excited for the year ahead, doing normal things for a college senior, thinking about life after graduation and hanging with my friends. I was looking forward to my last performance of Step Sing,

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Ashlynn, Age 5

Having coverage for medical nutrition would mean the world to our family. Instead of feeling like I have to creatively figure out how to buy normal foods at the store I could order more freely and feel more confident. My

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Jacob, Age 6

Six years ago my son, Jacob, was born with a rare metabolic condition that requires detailed, daily medical care, including the use of nutritional supplements. These nutritional supplements are highly specific to his condition and are essential to his thriving.

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Jessica, Kacey, and Hailey

Having coverage for medical nutrition would mean everything to our daughters. They have had to take jobs because of the insurance alone. One will be coming off of our insurance in two years and she is already worried about what

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Callaway, Age 1

Our daughter Callaway requires specialized formula every single day to stay alive!! While our insurance covers a portion of the formula, it does not cover all of it and each month we must get on the phone with our insurance

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T, Age 5

By the time my son was properly diagnosed, he was extremely sick and we were relieved to find an elemental formula that could provide calories and nutrition he so desperately needed. However, we were stunned by the cost on top of already steep medical bills. The stress of feeding him was enormous.

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Medical foods coverage would allow my son, who has Complex 1 Deficiency and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency, to use his Social Security money for something other than very low carb foods and Ketocuisine. My husband and I have employer sponsored healthcare

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Alexander, Age 9 months

My son Alex was born with PKU. He is currently 9 months old and requires 6 ounces of his PKU formula. As he grows this is most likely to increase as we are still trying to figure out his tolerance

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Mayes, Age 4

Mayes was diagnosed with EoE and EC at the age of 15 months old, after a long and painful process of seeking a diagnosis. He was labeled as failure to thrive, experienced daily pain, and yet, lived each day with

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Medical nutrition, including my medical drink, has allowed me to function for 26 years in the construction industry as a Project Manager and Estimator as well. This coverage would allow me to continue to function in this capacity and not worry about my health impacting my ability to provide for my family.

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Following a lengthy 30day in the ICU, with a diagnosis of Food Protein Induced Encrolitis, Gianna was prescribed the formlua Elecare. This came at a substantial cost for her family.

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Sadie, Age 12

My daughter’s formula is currently covered. This formula allows my daughter’s brain and body to remain healthy. It allows her to thrive in school and in the activities she is interested in. Sadie even competes in rodeo! She is an

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Armando, Age 2

My son, Armando, struggled to grow and gain weight since birth. He would vomit daily and choke on foods once they were introduced. His first endoscopy was at one year old and confirmed an EoE diagnosis through biopsies. He relies

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Tommy, Age 19

My son is 100% IV nutrition/hydration dependent. Without insurance covering his very expensive weekly deliveries of life sustaining supplies, I do not know how we would be able to pay for it all. Without nutrition/hydration, my son would not survive

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The Medical Nutrition Equity Act will provide key support for those Americans who rely on medical foods to survive and thrive.