We are a poor family. Aside from food stamps we don’t have anything else to help with regular food let alone medical food. over half of our money goes towards expensive foods in stores and trying to get as much as possible while keeping it in the 12gm or protein/day diet. Terry lives off of the same stuff. aside from mixing up spices, he has no variety. Being able to sit down at a bar bq and feed Terry the “same” thing as everyone else would mean the world to everyone. It’s heartbreaking to tell a child that they can’t have something. especially when they don’t fully understand why. Terry is so happy when he gets to eat what others eat, or something similar. All we want for Terry is for him to feel like he isn’t left out. For him to be able to try new foods. For him to have more than Veggies and pasta. For him to have a real looking meal.
- Asher, 4
- Emalynn