This page includes all of the materials that will help you prepare for the virtual meetings on Tuesday, June 15 (all digestive and inherited metabolic disorders advocates, except PKU) and Thursday, June 17 for all PKU advocates.
Missed the Webinar Training or Need a Refresher?
Click here to see the full participant training session for the Virtual Hill Day, recorded on June 10, 2021
Fact Sheets to Print and/or Review before Your Hill Meetings
We encourage all participants to become familiar with the asks and other talking points so that you can make the most out of your meetings.
- Talking Points for your Hill Meetings
- See if your members of Congress have co-sponsored the Medical Nutrition Equity Act in the past: If your members of Congress co-sponsored the bill in a previous congress, they should be open to co-sponsoring it once again for this Congress. (Note that a member of Congress must agree to co-sponsor a bill in each new congress, so just because they were on it before does not mean that they are automatically signed on once again.) You can print the list here.
- Social Media Cheat Sheet: In addition to participating in the virtual #SpeakUp4MNEA activities, we strongly encourage all Virtual Hill Day participants to engage with the members of Congress they meet with.
- Print this sign to take pictures for social media or hold up in your Congressional video meetings. Get creative!
- MNEA Fact Sheet: This document has been shared with congressional offices prior to your meeting.
- PPMNE Coalition Letter to members of Congress asking that they co-sponsor the bill
- State Stories: See stories from other residents from your state about the need for medically necessary nutrition. Don’t forget to add your story here!
Looking for information about your scheduled meetings? You should have received calendar invites through the email address you provided during registration. It is critical that you accept the invites as that is how we know that you are planning to participate in the meetings. If you do not accept, you run the risk that the meeting will be cancelled. Links for the virtual meetings will be added to the calendar entries as we get closer to the meeting date (June 15 and June 17).