Evan, Age 8

Evan was born with MSUD and we were lucky that TRICARE covered his formula and supplements until his transplant. At the time, they did not cover low protein foods but it is my understanding they now cover some. Had Evan not had a liver transplant the costs of low protein foods would have been a huge expense for our family. Other families have not had transplant for MSUD for various medical and personal reasons. These families should have coverage to help offset the cost of special medical nutrition needed to keep their family members alive!  My son no longer needs this as he had a liver transplant, but had we not, TRICARE would have covered his medical formula as well as a small portion of low protein food coverage. I am aware that we are some of the lucky ones in that we have great medical coverage via TRICARE. Others should be afforded the same opportunity for coverage.

The Medical Nutrition Equity Act will provide key support for those Americans who rely on medical foods to survive and thrive.